Denver Airport art mirrors world orders in mind orders

Leo Tangula’s paintings of apocalyptic bio-warfare and struggle between Facist and peaceful world orders, and mind orders, include some mystic symbolism, similar to Pablo Picasso’s Guernica. The main general theme in Order of Chaos is revealed by extra features of type 12 /13 Heart, which includes death, war and disease. Another general theme here is type 1 /2 Builder, typical of twisted postures, clusters, birds, towers and ruin.

Denver Airport Extinction art reveals our enviro bio-ruin

Leo Tanguma’s art at Denver Airport are themed on apocalyptic bio-warfare, rival world orders, and exploitation of nature and culture. The Extinction panel was said to picture the 2001 9/11 terror attacks, but was six years earlier. Archetypal features explain the similarity. The archetypal theme here is man as type 2, Builder /Ruiner.

Rudy Gutierrez’ musical art therapy

A Rudy Gutierrez painting of a guru and musicians in dynamic, multi-sensory, surreal style, shares features with ayahuasca and peyote art. Structuralist analysis against the universal archetype model, demonstrates a high level of integration between conscious, subconscious and natural or ultimate meanings. The main theme in Musicians is type 10 Teacher, including staffs (flower stalks, guitars), metal (trumpet, guitars), market, disc (halos, spirals), council (collage), ecology (plants), and school (choir ‘buds’).

London archetype map

Most major symbolic sites in London lie along invisible axial lines. To maintain a sense of sequence, readers may tour chosen sites on each axis, outward or inward in turn; or combine a tour of chosen sites on adjacent axes.

Nazca plain geoglyphs speak structural grammar

Criss-crossing trapezium lines form a kind of ‘forest’ over the core area of the Nazca geoglyphs. The character figures are in continuous-line format, indicating a well-developed style, perhaps based on textile weaving crafts, or to enable processions. Their ecological themes speak of climate change. Here is the peripheral sequence of characters in the Nazca core area is (noting archetypal features).

Subconscious structure in the art of Doctor Dahesh

Lebanese mystic Doctor Dahesh painted some Biblical metaphors of spiritual themes. Naturalistic figurative styling by Arabic-speaking artists is rare after the iconoclast ban imposed by Islam. Structural analysis of the work of this sage, reveals many of the universal, collective subconscious typology of attributes, in the standard sequence, on the standard ocular (eye-to-eye) axial grid, with the standard polar features marked by some limb joints, relative to the cultural Age.

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